Sara, Matt and Alan had a great time learning how to become EFR instructors.

EFR instructors in the making

Alan takes it easy!

Matt is a PADI rescue diver and is making plans to become a PADI instructor later this year. He is very excited about his new life, and enjoyed learning the wonderful teaching tips and tricks that EFR instructors use.  He particularly liked the positive coaching techniques, where you can correct people without ever even hinting that their efforts were not up to the performance requirements.

EFR instructor team

3 new EFR instructors

Alan also found these techniques interesting,  but I think that I have created a problem for myself!!  Alan is planning to do his IDC in the very near future, and he now thinks that when I tell him that he has done very well, he will think that I am using Positive Coaching to correct him!

Sara is not a diver, so we spent a lot of the time apologising to her for using scuba diving analogies, or just plain non stop talking about our passion of being underwater. Sara has an interesting life ahead of her! She will be teaching First Aid to large fleets of Lorry Drivers. Sara is Spanish and speaks excellent English, but I’ve got a feeling that she might be learning some new words soon!