After all the preparation, learning and practice the “Prior Knowledge Team” is feeling quietly confident about the PADI IE. Feelings of apprehension about the unknown quickly fade as the PADI Examiners put their minds at ease by saying “just do what you did during your IDC”.
First up, is the dive theory and standards exams. For some this is the most dreaded part of the IE, but all of our guys were pleased that they had taken our “Distance Learning” preparation and therefore found the exams fairly comfortable. Everyone passed with high scores and is glad to have that “in the bag”.
Next is the confined water presentations and skills circuit. The Team is eager to get going, to get wet and to get it done. Everyone passed with flying colours and now realise that we are half-way through the IE. We finish the first day in the classroom to give Knowledge Development Presentations. Hard to believe that at the beginning of the IDC some people said they feared this the most. Now they are all confidently teaching in front of a small group of divers. It’s been a long day but we end with all candidates successfully completing ¾ of a PADI IE. The Team is stronger than ever, and all go for a meal still wearing “Prior Knowledge” tee-shirts.
Day two of the PADI IE, and the rescue demonstrations are quickly completed and it’s just the Open Water Teaching Presentation to go.
The Prior Knowledge Team prepare by practicing briefings, using visualisation techniques and organisation sequences. It seems that they are right on track for passing. Sure enough, two by two they exit the water. All wearing smiles but all slightly bemused….is that it? IE??? It’s Easy.
Congratulations to Ant, Keith, David, Kevin, Will and Simon and thanks for a great IDC, lots of fun, lots of laughs and lots of uneaten oranges!!